Professionally Daft: Acting Foolish at the height of your intelligence.

How does one teach the art of clown? Honestly the same way you teach anything else. Start with foundational information like history and style. Then move to cornerstone concepts like movement, play, and status. I personally gain so much joy from teaching clown and movement. Clowning itself is centuries old. It’s the discipline of being silly, tactically daft, and soul shatteringly honest. I have had the honor of teaching at Theaters like Planet Ant Theater, MSU’s theater department and IO theater Chicago. Each experience is as unique as the students that step in the room with me. I offer courses in movement, physical comedy, clown, and character performance. I have courses that range from single day workshops to multiple day curriculums. Email me for more information. Let’s start your study of being professionally Daft.

Take being silly seriously.


Immersive Productions